I mean I understand wanting free stuff but do these people have no shame? I feel embarrassed when I ask for a free refill the 2nd time even though the cinema offers unlimited free refills. However, these people do not have an ounce of shame in their bodies. After all there is a reason Reddit is filled with these entitled choosing beggars who think they deserve this free stuff.
From making up stupid excuses to pulling out that age-old ‘I’m a single parent’ these people will do anything to get what they want. That is why today we are going to read some of the cringiest stories thanks to these choosing beggars.
One good thing did come out of this, however, you got to learn who your friend is. And it seems he is just a choosing beggar who doesn’t appreciate you and is just using you. I sure hope you guys are not friends anymore.
So many people don’t respect creative people. They think being an artist is just a hobby and that they don’t deserve any money for that. This choosing beggar stuff is much more prevalent in the art community than any other which is sad.
What are your thoughts on these choosing beggars? Would you ever give free stuff to people like these? Comment down below and let us know.