Of course, I’m referring to the bureaucracy that occurs in the workplace. Anyone who has ever worked in a large corporation understands the agony of dealing with countless higher-ups and always being busy sending reports to someone. Even if you keep everyone informed, there is no guarantee that you will not fall through the cracks. However, it doesn’t always have to be a bad thing. As in this case, the employee falling through the cracks was actually a good thing for his day-to-day life.
I understand that people have different perspectives on remote work, but I and many others believe that working from home increases productivity. This, of course, does not apply to everyone because some people require that countermeasure to stay focused, but for many of us, remote work is a godsend. After all, who doesn’t feel more at ease at home, and you don’t have to worry about your boss constantly looking over your shoulder? Time management becomes a little easier as well. And the poster of this particular story would undoubtedly concur.
Scroll down to read the full story and learn how he got started doing remote work.
Source: Reddit
Source: Reddit
Source: Reddit
I’m actually relieved that this happened to him. He clearly enjoys working from home, and I can only hope that the dreaded meeting is postponed for a long time. As someone who has previously worked for a company, I can confidently state that working from home is far more relaxing and enjoyable. Not only that, but the fact that he is doing better in terms of health is also encouraging! I’m curious as to what will happen when his superiors learn of his remote work. However, he has kept everyone informed about his work, so I hope everything works out for him.
Source: Reddit
What are your thoughts on his remote work practices? Have you ever experienced something similar? If so, how did you come to work from home? Please let us know in the comments section below. Also, don’t forget to share this story with your friends so they can share their own similar experiences.