It is not very easy to provide your services to the public and deal with all kinds of people on your own. People can be extremely rude, some can be demanding, and some just straight-up act entitled and think they will get free services for nothing. They can’t take no for an answer. People like that just seem to think the world owes them something. It most certainly does not. Then there are some very ungrateful people in the world who can’t even acknowledge that you are doing them a favour and will still ask for adjustments in whatever you are doing for them. Now dealing with people like that is super frustrating. It can be a real challenge, especially if you run an online business on your own.
This dog-sitter, who is an underaged child, had to deal with a terrible woman because of their online business. The woman acted like a choosing beggar and just got on the dog-sitter’s nerves. However, the woman was taught a good lesson at the end of their conversation. Scroll down below to read the screenshots:
Now, this is where the dog-sitter drew the line. That was obviously too much. You can’t just act all entitled and when you get told “no” you go around threatening to defame people’s businesses. This woman needed to be put in her place and taught an important life lesson. The world owes her absolutely nothing.
I am sure the woman learnt her lesson after this and will think twice before acting so entitled in front of people. We hope the dog-sitter will meet nicer customers in the future. Do you think they dealt with the woman appropriately? Share your thoughts with us in the comments below.