
Time To Take In The Daily Dose Of Cute Cats To Get You Through The Week

Everyone, get up and get moving! Things are in full swing now that the week has begun, and to be honest, we are excited. Today, we’ve decided to manifest something. We’ve decided that this week will be filled with nothing but positive experiences. Only the cutest, healthiest, and most pawsitive things are allowed. Everything is going to be pawsome, and with this week’s collection of the most awwdorable cat images and articles, we’re going to make sure that your day begins off with that cattidude in mind.Every week, we kick off your Tuesday with a collection of cat adorability. We do it because we believe that if there is one thing in the world that will make every single cat owner happy, it is this. It’s witnessing a slew of kitty cats being their purrfect selves. So, have a wonderful week, everyone, and may only good things come your way. Scroll down to have some weekly dose of cat cuteness. You may not know it right now but that’s all you need.

1. “My cat has emerged from my weighted blanket and doesn’t know when or where she is.”

2. “What did I just walk in on?”


3. “Twins showing their love to eachother”

Via u/SnooWoofers455

4. “Kitten and his butterfly is the most beautiful shot ever”


5. “My cat is trying to play videogames with my husband.”

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6. “This cat is 17 and she’s still too pretty”

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7. “This fellow just followed me home and slept on my door mat”


8. “Found this little monster under my car. He’s too freaking cute!”


9. “My cat is having the best time in a submarine”

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10. “I found a tiny void today. TIL I love voids.”

Skin - E

11. “Mr. Max has bleps for days and knows how cute he is.”


12. “The face you make when you are all cozy and tucked in”


Via u/jennpalgan

13. “Appa likes collecting his toys and drops them on his favourite paper bag then calls us over to see his haul”

14. “Found her alone outside digging through my garbage. Going to find her a home”


15. “Big eyes definitely look ethereal on my gorgeous girl”


16. “Meet Bengal Kitty. One you had never seen before”

Via u/SnooWoofers455

17. This cute little kitten ia definitely a poser

Was these photos worth looking at? I think these were some of the most beautiful cats we have ever seen. Their sweet and cute gestures are to love for. Share with us the comment section which one did you like the best? Do you have a purrfect friend too? We would love to see them. Stay tuned for more wholesome content.
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