We have all seen dads who have a hard time expressing their emotions. I guess, they just don’t know how to respond to gestures of love. Maybe it’s because when they were kids they didn’t get the affection they deserved and so they don’t respond well to it now? Or, maybe it’s just because they think emotions make you weak? Either way, it doesn’t mean they aren’t loving, it just means they’re not that expressive.
While this whole situation related to ’emotions’ rarely comes up in every day life. It is commonly seen when someone talks about getting a dog. Many dads around the world don’t go with the idea of keeping a pet dog. However, love is a very powerful thing that can completely change the way a person thinks. And what better example of unconditional love than that of a dog giving it to its owner?
Now, I’m guessing you already know where this is going. So, scroll down and see what happens when dads who don’t like dogs finally get them.
Dad 5 years ago: no dogs!!
— Yare 🦂 (@yagirlyarelli) December 25, 2018
My dad now: pic.twitter.com/d4bVwZsKn5
My dad (who didn’t want a dog) right after my family got a new puppy pic.twitter.com/pNTvW5Rxeu
— Daily Aww (@DailyAww) November 19, 2019
Mi papá: ya no quiero perros en la casa, les aviso luego ya.
— Fio Pestana (@pestana_fio) June 22, 2019
mi papá ahora: pic.twitter.com/xeLOl0XH3d
my dad didn’t want me to get a dog now look at him ahajsksk pic.twitter.com/tR69KVSIXf
— 𝐋𝐗 (@leyvalx) May 1, 2019
Do you know a dad who is just like this?