Business owners succeed with a good workforce. Employees are at the core of every business operation and no business can survive without its employees. So you can say they are the driving force that the business owners must retain at all costs and keep them motivated. Providing them with suitable work conditions will allow employees to work beyond their maximum potential and that will allow the business to generate record-breaking profits. So, now that it is established employees showed be respected and acknowledged the most, today we have a story in which the exact opposite happens.
We have a business owner who recently fired two of his employees without giving them any notice. He then kept OP, who also worked at the organization, under a very stressful work environment so OP one day decided to quit his job without giving any notice because he had had enough and when he got asked why they didn’t provide any notice, he brought up to his boss that he doesn’t like giving notices to employees he fires so OP didn’t give any notice before quitting either.
Scroll down below to read how it all went down!
Via u/MenaGirl1
Via u/MenaGirl1
Via u/MenaGirl1
Via u/MenaGirl1
Via u/MenaGirl1
You get treated only the way you treat others. So if you want to be treated in a good way, you should set an example by treating other people in a good way. This boss did not give any notice to those employees before firing them so it was only fair that OP quit their job without providing any notice. This would show them how damaging it can really be then they would have no one to fill the spot immediately resulting in losses. The boss never for once those firing those employees without any notice would mean they would have no source of income until they found another job which you normally do during the notice period.
Yet another bad boss in the industry not realizing how badly he is damaging his own business by not being on good terms with his employees.
Via u/MenaGirl1
Via u/MenaGirl1
Via u/MenaGirl1
Via u/MenaGirl1
Via u/MenaGirl1
I really hope you guys enjoyed this one. Don’t forget to share your thoughts in the comments section below.
Stay tuned for more!
Via emmettemme
Dog tax.
“My dog, who has never liked cats, adopted my bottle-baby foster kitten. She adopted him too, I think.”