More than a year after initially seeking help online over a domestic incident, one internet user came back to provide an update, which made this story quite interesting.
The client is a baker who acquired her grandmother’s unpublished recipes for spice cake. Any member of the family wishing to learn this recipe just needed to join grandmother for a cooking session, even as grandmother had given an open invitation. To the poor aging grandmother’s disappointment, the thread’s original poster (OP) acknowledged grandma’s request. The seasoning blend became hers and hers alone after granny passed away.
She continued to adhere to her grandmother’s unsatisfied wish to share the dessert with others in the hopes of opening a bakery soon. The OP was charged with “selling off” their grandmother’s recipes by a jealous cousin who entered the scene at that point. Due to the conflict in the region development, the initial thread by the OP was published on Reddit’s r/AITA. The story’s ending, which is now provided by the OP, couldn’t be more endearing and upstanding.
Keep on reading it below to dive deeper into this case, and make sure you folks read it till the end otherwise, you will not understand the whole point here, and believe us the ending is interesting.
1. Sounds really like a delicious cake, and am quite curious to try it.
2. OP is trying to make a good living by working hard OP seems to be like a hustler to us. While Jane here is being unfair because when the grandma was alive nobody but OP wanted to learn that special recipe for grandma’s cake.
3. The business is going pretty well because OP knows how to bake those special grandma’s cakes better than Jane. And she also could have baked them just like OP did, but only if she had grabbed the opportunity when Grandma was willing to teach it to any of her kids or grandkids.
4. You know the drill guys the situation is in front of your eyes be wise and let us know who’s the A-hole here, but first, let us see what other users have to say about this.
6. Exactly, if Jane would have been interested back then she would have learned that recipe, according to this user she’s only doing it for the sake of profit.
7. Guard that recipe with your life OP you are the one who deserved it! By the way, this commentator is a wise person who gave a sincere piece of advice.
We think that any rational person can assure us that OP here is not an A-hole. OP had pure intentions from the start, and she got what she deserved. Let us know what are your thoughts on this grandma’s special cake recipe. Don’t forget to like and share it with your friends and family. Stay tuned with Defused for more content. Thank You!