And he deserved it to boot. Now, I don’t make a habit of saying that people deserve having their life ruined but sometimes circumstances call for an exception. And this is one such circumstance. You see while you may think this man got it very harsh, he essentially did it to himself.
If he had been a good employer and followed all the laws, he wouldn’t have been in this pickle. I’ve had to deal with bosses like this who promise so many things and end up providing nothing. Honestly, it makes me so angry so I am happy that at least this woman got to do what many of us dream to do to our horrible bosses.
I won’t mutter on any longer so scroll on below and get reading.
Source: Reddit
This already doesn’t sound great. Honestly what it is with some industries not hiring women? It should be about a person’s qualifications, never about their gender. We might be progressing as a society but it isn’t happening fast enough. The only person who accepted her was also an a**. So take that for what you will.
I can never understand why people who are already doing illegal things never care when a case goes to court. Aren’t they worried that they will get caught when it comes to dealing with the law? Perhaps they are stupid or overly cocky. At least this guy learned his lesson to never mess with the wrong person.
What do you think of this story? Do you think the guy got what he deserved or was it too much? Have any similar revenge stories about your bosses that you wanna share? If so comment down below and let us know.