
20 Clever Comebacks That Deserve A Place In The Clapback Hall Of Fame

  • By Sara
  • July 11, 2020
  • 3 minutes read

The Internet is a glorious place.

We’re all sick and tired of the lockdown. The quarantine period is just constantly extending and everyone is stressed out at home. Isolation can take its toll on one’s mental health. So we have to make sure we’re exercising our brains enough and staying occupied to keep ourselves sane. This can be done with different hobbies like gardening, baking, or even scrolling through memes. Laughing works best as a medicine. So keep your friends 6 feet away, and your memes closer.

I usually spend most of my time on Twitter, scrolling through tweets and memes. Even though I’m not witty enough to make cool tweets, the Twitterverse is really creative. You’ll see a lot of beef going on here and there, and reading through the clapbacks always cracks me up. We’ve gathered a Hall Of Fame of clapbacks that you’re definitely going to enjoy. Scroll down below and enjoy:

Via youandmeandrainbows

1. Someone doesn’t seem that smart.

2. Oh damn!

3. I’m not habla gated to answer that.

4. Please apply some ice on that burn.

5. That’s a really wild fantasy, mate.

6. It just means you can’t drive.

7. Who’s the loser now?

8. You really thought you came up with something, didn’t you?

9. Ouch.

10. Sweet, sweet, money.

Did these make you laugh so far? I lost my shit at several of these. It might also be offensive to some but come on guys. Just take it as some light humour. The Internet is filled with witty comebacks, you can even use some of these someday. Still not tried? Read the rest down below:

11. That sounds so creepy.

12. Wendy’s might not be superior in taste, but they certainly know how to handle social media.

13. What kind of question is that?

14. That is definitely my mom.

15. Your mom.

16. All I wanted was to love you.

17. Did he get some sleep that night?

18. I hated high school.

19. That’s just how some things work.

20. Netflix needs to chill.

Do you think these rightfully deserve their place in the clapbacks Hall of Fame? Can you come up with better replies? Let us know in the comments below.

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