
Boss Breaks Down After Employee Gets New Job They Were Told They Were Not Qualified For

  • By Hussain
  • November 16, 2022
  • 4 minutes read

Too many employers do not even truly value the efforts of their employees or only seem to in order to lower their going rate.

If you don’t understand what “negging” is, count yourself lucky. The tactic involves the company or manager attempting to reduce the employee’s sense of value in order to keep them on the payroll and undervalued. It’s a sound strategy, if fraught with moral and ethical difficulties, but it backfires as soon as the worker gathers the confidence to seek elsewhere and realizes how undervalued they really are.

These employers waste time and money on having trained new hires only to watch the same scenario play out over and over again, don’t ever learn their lesson, or rescue themselves or their employees from this tragic fate.
That’s exactly what happened once this employee kept getting told they were just not qualified for the jobs they desired, but their employer would be extremely upset if they left. This topic gained quite the attention of users and it was posted to Reddit’s r/antiwork subreddit.
Keep on scrolling down below to see what really happened in this topic and make sure you folks watch it till the end otherwise, you are not going to get the whole point here. We hope none of you get exploited by your workplace.

1. OP seems to be an intelligent committed person doing his job with hundred percent dedication, let’s see what happened next.

Via u/intrepidshe

2. OP’s boss is a hundred and ten percent a horrible boss, and OP was used to it untill

Via u/intrepidshe

3. When your intention is pure you get blessed with the things you have never ever thought of, and this is how OP received a jackpot. And as for the boss she deserved regrets.

Via u/intrepidshe

4. It was toxic and nobody could handle the toxicity the way OP did because OP was a simple hardworking human who deserved a lot more.

Via u/intrepidshe

5. You did a lot good not only good

Via u/intrepidshe

6. All the best wishes and strengths goes all the way to OP from a lot of Reddit users

Via u/intrepidshe

7. Success is the best revenge luckily, OP has a nice job plus a nice boss

Via u/intrepidshe

8. Honestly, the crying part is a bit hilarious don’t you think so?

Via u/intrepidshe

9. Yeah we don’t have to forget the credit to OP’s colleagues which reported the boss

Via u/intrepidshe

10. Self-control, hard work, and patience is the key to success.

Via u/intrepidshe

11. OP is happy and content to leave them behind

Via u/intrepidshe

12. This is what OP thinks about certain workplaces

Via u/intrepidshe

Seems like OP was getting exploited by a pissed-off horrible boss which never appreciated OP’s dedication to the research and hard work for the organization. It perfectly fits here that, you deserve what you give. Luckily, due to her skills and traits, OP got a very good job compared to her ex-job. But the fact that the boss cried in front of OP is a bit awkward, and hilarious. Guess what? Maybe the boss deserved it.

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