
Biologist Hilariously Illustrates Life From Different Animal’s Perspective Through Comics

  • By Tayyaba
  • 12 months ago
  • 4 minutes read

Today we present to you: Pleumier! Pleumier is basically a talented and passionate Montreal-based biologist and cartoonist. She creates fascinating comics about biology and nature which she shares on her evergrowing Instagram and Facebook accounts. Her comics provide cute content from an educational and entertaining point of view, with widely ranging topics. Some of them include the biology of different animals and plants as well as the science of climate change. Her comics also share her own experiences as a biologist, such as working in the field or teaching in a lab, providing readers with an informative and engaging look into the world of biology. Keep on reading to see 20 of her artworks and let us know what you think!

Source: Pleumier

#1) Magic hat trick.

Source: Pleumier

#2) Hermit crabs really have it going.

Source: Pleumier

#3) Angels of death.

Source: Pleumier

#4) No pebble left behind! (Or given mercy.)

Source: Pleumier

#5) He looks very super indeed.

Source: Pleumier

#6) It will never come.

Source: Pleumier

#7) Shows of power get the kitty.

Source: Pleumier

#8) You gotta do what you gotta do.

Source: Pleumier

#9) I think Betty is especially cute.

Source: Pleumier

#10) Not knowing what Brenda did will haunt him forever. It will haunt me too.

Source: Pleumier

Through the lens of humor, Pleumier’s comics shed light on the peculiarities of animal behavior. The artist’s artstyle is simple and whimsical, and her characters are often animals or plants with human-like facial expressions and qualities, creating an approachable and engaging experience for her wide audience of over 7,100 Instagram followers. In addition to the entertainment, her comics serve as a reminder of the precious bonds we share with the creatures that share our planet and the importance of conservation and protecting its diverse life. Scroll down to view the rest of this article!

#11) Should have asked for consent beforehand.

Source: Pleumier

#12) Ancient, for sure.

Source: Pleumier

#13) Communication.

Source: Pleumier

#14) Excuse me? Pees?

Source: Pleumier

#15) Noooo.. he was yearning for bread all year guys. Come on. He should sh*t all over the park bench, IMO.

Source: Pleumier

#16) Aw. True rock body positivity.

Source: Pleumier

#17) He didn’t quite get the memo.

Source: Pleumier

#18) And take, they did. Jerry deserves some props for this.

Source: Pleumier

#19) Helping the environment out.

Source: Pleumier

#20) Woof is universal.

Source: Pleumier

Animal lovers usually experience a deep and almost indescribable connection to the creatures that share our planet. Animals are so much more than just a pet or wildlife; they’re cherished companions, sources of endless joy and playfulness, and living symbols of a pure, innocent, and unfiltered way of existing. This is exactly what is captured in Pleumier’s comics, providing a glimpse into the unique world of animals and plants, and their impact on the human experience. Stay tuned for more!

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