Apparently, there is a whole AITA community on Reddit that stands for “Am I the asshole” and people are giving advice on absolutely everything to those in need for free! Say, you need to know if you are being a total jerk towards your dog. Bam! You’ve got it.
But there are some things that you don’t come across every day. This is one of them.
A guy recently asked the community if he’s the asshole because he got mad at his girlfriend for “paying $50 for an old as shit purse”, so to quote.
It all started when his girlfriend didn’t want to spend a lot of money on designer purse so instead she found a vintage one online for even less than half the amount for the new one. So what’s the big deal, right? Well for this guy, it is. Check out the whole story below.
Does… does he know how much purses cost? $50 is a fucking STEAL
— Mara Wilson (@MaraWilson) March 3, 2020
She only paid $50 and you’re mad about it??? That’s such a steal! YTA.
— Jen (@such_hockey_wow) March 3, 2020
What is it with straight men that their gfs/wifes hobbies or interests are always "dumb" or "a waste of money"???? Jfc it's HER OWN MONEY, I cannot believe he's throwing a fit over HER $50
— memories of butter (@isthisshade) March 3, 2020
“The only reason she’s mad is because she knows she’s wrong.”
— ella dawson (@brosandprose) March 3, 2020
— Am I the Asshole? (@AITA_online) March 3, 2020
I lived with one of these for a bit, and what he really meant was he wanted me to spend my discretionary fun money on things that he could use too (his purchases were not subject to this scrutiny).
— Sarah (@sosomanysarahs) March 3, 2020
Who's in the wrong?
— Donut Interns (@DonutInterns) March 3, 2020
— SodapopCurtis (@sasser826) March 3, 2020
And what did you think? Was the boyfriend’s argument fair? Share your thoughts in the comments below.