While a candid photo can really bring authenticity to a picture, you are not always paying attention to how you look. And that means the picture might have a weird facial expression or your double chin might be showing (Is that just me?) You might be thinking what has that go to do with dogs?
Well, dogs don’t know any better so most of their images will turn out awkward, hilarious, or both. And today we are taking a look at some that fall into the latter category. While I believe all dogs are beautiful and adorable. That doesn’t mean it always translates well n camera. And the following photographs are proof of that.
So scroll on below and get ready to laugh at these dogs’ misfortune.
When you accidentally open the front facing camera on your phone.
I guess I just live in the laundry basket now.
My aunt’s dog finally got her tail.
I think your dog might need to be reset.
She looks at you like this while you eat.
My aunt’s dog is a window licker.
Did these photographs make you laugh? If so don’t forget to share so others can be provided the medicine of laughter as well.